You Might Need A Head and Neck Exam, Here Is Why

Posted on 10/11/2021 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

A head and neck exam is an examination that our dentists perform twice a year. In it, we check all the structures of the head, jaw, and neck. This exam involves us checking your bones and tissues for any warning signs of oral cancer.

How Do We Perform This Exam?

The head and neck exam has two parts. First, the external inspection where we will check the state of your skin, bone structures, lymph nodes and glands. Throughout this first part, our dentists will gently palpate all the anatomical structures.

The second part is an internal inspection where our dentists will check the inside of your mouth. We will see the inside of your lips and the entire extension of your gums. We will also check the inside of your cheeks, under your tongue and the roof of your mouth, corresponding to the palate. This part of the exam includes our dentist lowering your tongue to check your tonsils and throat.

After reviewing all the structures inside your mouth, your gums, and the bones that hold your teeth, the exam will end with a general examination of your tongue. In both the first and second part of the exam, our dentist will look for changes in color, abnormalities in the anatomical structures, lumps, and lesions that may be suggestive of cancer or another pathology.

Do I Need a Head and Neck Exam? Why?

This type of examination is a routine inspection for the ruling out and diagnosis of oral cancer and other pathologies. The purpose is to make an early diagnosis that improves the prognosis for the short and long term of the pathologies found. Any cancer will be much easier to fight if diagnosed at an early stage. Visit us to receive your head and neck exam.

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