Why Some Fillings Still Get Decay Behind Them

Posted on 09/21/2021 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Your dental filling is in your mouth to replace the tooth structure which was lost to tooth decay. Fortunately, dental fillings can be relatively unnoticeable and mimic the appearance of your natural teeth. However, if you have a toothache or see dark spots on your tooth with a filling, this may be a sign that there is decay behind the dental filling.

Bacteria is Like a Weed in Your Mouth

Unfortunately, dental fillings don't last forever. Eventually, all fillings need to be replaced due to the constant pressure from eating, tooth clenching and grinding.

It is a fact that some fillings get decay behind them. Bacteria causes tooth decay. Fillings that have been chipped, cracked, or fallen out may provide entry points for bacteria to go into the tooth.

Further, food debris can even work their way between the compromised filling and the tooth. As bacteria feast on leftover food debris and chooses opportunistic routes into the tooth, decay may develop along the edges of filling or underneath it. Untreated decay can cause infection on the inside of the tooth.

Your Dental Fillings May Need Replaced

If you are unsure whether you need a replacement filling, we are happy to help. We know just what to look for when we assess your dental fillings. We will look for any cracks or unnecessary wear around your dental fillings, as well as other signs too. We will also make sure they are all there! Give our office a call today to schedule your next dental cleaning and exam.

We look forward to working with you and assessing the state of your dental fillings. Early detection of tooth decay around or behind your dental fillings could help to avoid bigger problems and bigger dental bills down the road.

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