Teeth Whitening Tips

Posted on 01/10/2022 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

When you want to have a perfect smile, you have to ensure that you have white teeth. This is because, when you smile, your teeth are the most visible element of your face. If you have stained and discolored teeth, you might feel embarrassed to do so in public. You will also be having anxiety about talking to people and this can cause mental desperation.

You do not have to feel hopeless in your situation because there are effective teeth whitening treatments and practices, that can brighten your smile. Our dentists are experienced and trained on such issues and you can trust that they can provide lasting solutions.

Check what you eat

What you eat regularly will have an impact on your teeth. For instance, eating carrots and celery can help whiten your teeth. These foods have a scrapping effect on your teeth and will assist in removing the stain on your teeth.

Avoid sugary foods and drinks that can accelerate the tooth decay process. These foods contribute to the accumulation of acids in your mouth, which can lead to the weakening of your enamel making your teeth vulnerable to decay, cavities, and stained teeth. It is also important to limit the intake of acidic foods because they can contribute to the corrosion of your tooth enamel.

Brushing and Flossing

Brushing and smoking are basic dental hygiene practices and will ensure that you prevent stains and discoloration of your teeth. Brushing and flossing remove food particles, acids, and bacteria from your mouth.

Professional teeth whitening

Visit us at our practice as we can professionally clean your teeth to leave them white as desired. We have effective treatments for stained and discolored teeth, and you can trust us for unbelievable results. Call us to book an appointment.

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