Sjogren’s Syndrome And Oral Health

Posted on 06/06/2022 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Sjogren’s syndrome is a chronic disease that usually affects the oral cavity, specifically the salivary glands. Sjogren’s syndrome can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary Sjogren’s syndrome is diagnosed as the only autoimmune disease in your body, and secondary Sjogren’s syndrome is when other autoimmune disorders exist in your system, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Oral effects

Dentists are usually the first to diagnose Sjogren's syndrome due to its adverse effects on dental health. The syndrome primarily affects salivary glands located in the mouth leading to reduced saliva flow. Lack of sufficient saliva in the mouth causes dry mouth, which forms a basis for many other dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay.

The syndrome causes the quality of saliva to deteriorate. The poor quality of saliva supports the development of dental caries. Patients who have Sjogren's syndrome should have regular visits to our offices to allow our dentists to detect tooth decay at early stages.

Sjogren's syndrome may lead to other dental complications, including enlargement of salivary glands, which leads to discomfort and difficulties in the production of saliva, and oral infections such as oral thrush.

The diagnosis of Sjogren's syndrome is quite tricky as the symptoms associated with the disease can be related to very many health conditions. There is no specific treatment for Sjogren's syndrome. Our specialists suggest avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and areas with low humidity as these factors worsen the symptoms associated with the disease.

We aim toward reducing inflammation of the salivary glands, which consequently improves the rate and quality of saliva production, reducing the detrimental effects of dry mouth. Book an appointment with us for a consultation where we will guide you in preventing developing Sjogren's syndrome and how to manage the disease if you already have it.

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