Management of Bruxism in General Dentistry

Posted on 05/09/2022 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Bruxism is a dental health condition where patients grind or gnash their teeth together. Occasional teeth grinding may not pose any risks; however, it has long-term effects on daily bruxism patients. You may grind your teeth while awake or asleep. Awake bruxism is an emotional issue, for example, anxiety or stress. This type is not as complicated as one is likely to be aware of and stop. However, bruxism at night could go unnoticed and manifest the following day as headaches, teeth and jaw pain, and TMJ diseases like jaw locking and clicking. A general dentist easily handles bruxism in its early stages before other complex treatments are required.

How is Buxism Managed

Bruxism is likely to be noticed during regular dental checkups. The dentist checks for bruxism signs like misaligned, worn down, or broken teeth, jaw bone soreness and extent of disease, or facial asymmetry. The condition is then monitored through follow-up visits to determine its severity, cause, and suitable treatment. Treatment is not always necessary; however, if the dentist notices it is severe, treatment options like therapy, medication, and appliances could help ease the complication.

Bruxism patients are advised to visit a dentist regularly to monitor the situation and avert the necessity of other complicated conditions like jaw correction surgery due to misalignment. Dental appliances like mouth guards and splints that fit the upper and lower teeth may be recommended at night to separate the teeth for night bruxism. Dentists also recommend strategies to manage the condition, such as managing stress and anxiety and behavioral changes like changing sleep positions or avoiding alcohol and caffeinated drinks at night. Certain medications like muscle relaxing pills and injections and anxiety and stress medication may be recommended to deal with the causes of the condition.

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