Invisalign Helps Prevent Teeth Grinding At Night

Posted on 03/07/2022 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

When looking forward to making your smile look at its best you will try out various things. You may consider OTC whitening agents or get an Invisalign from a dentist. One of the causes of teeth grinding is poor alignment of teeth. When the teeth are not positioned in the right way, your bite may be misaligned. A misaligned bite creates uneven surfaces in your mouth. If the teeth cannot fit together properly, you will experience irritation to the TMJ, hence having a negative response. Teeth grinding is due to this involuntary reaction.

Can Invisalign Help with Teeth Grinding?

Many people know that Invisalign offers an easy way of correcting misaligned teeth. However, they may not know that these oral appliances can resolve issues beyond misalignment. Invisalign can provide relief for people who struggle with dental issues arising from poorly aligned teeth such as teeth grinding. Since Invisalign corrects the bite and properly aligns the teeth, it eliminates teeth grinding in many people. However, there are some exceptions because grinding teeth doesn't only occur from poorly aligned teeth. A dentist will examine the cause of your teeth grinding and tell you if Invisalign can help with your specific situation.

If for example, you are having teeth grinding due to stress, then Invisalign may not directly help with this kind of grinding. However, although Invisalign may not eliminate teeth grinding arising from stress, there are some other benefits. When you wear the trays, you provide a barrier between your teeth, meaning you are unlikely to tense the jaw, a common cause for grinding. Moreover, clear aligners help protect the surfaces of the teeth when you grind teeth. In this way, you reduce the occurrence of grinding.

Can Nightguards and Invisalign Work Together?

Nightguards aren't compatible with Invisalign. What this means is that if you have to use a night guard while sleeping, you may want to consider an alternative treatment to Invisalign. A dentist will advise on the most appropriate treatment for your circumstance. Contact us to learn more about teeth grinding and how Invisalign can help with the habit.

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