Teeth Whitening

Dentist Seattle, WA

When patients want to brighten their smile, our team recommends teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is a simple and safe procedure that can be performed to whiten our patients’ natural teeth. It can be done in combination with other cosmetic dentistry procedures, or it can be done on its own. Over the years, teeth naturally dull from our diet, lifestyle choices and aging. At Seattle’s Summit Dental Care, NamThien Vu, DDS offers many cosmetic procedures, including whitening, to improve the aesthetic quality of a patient’s smile.

How Are Teeth Whitened?

Our patients may find salons that offer teeth whitening or home kits that claim to provide effective results. If salons do not have a certified dentist to administer the teeth whitening, it is in fact illegal and could be potentially harmful for the patient. Home kits are good for maintaining teeth whitening, but the chemicals used in a home kit are not as effective as the ones we use in our office and therefore will not give as white a smile.

The teeth whitening treatment begins with a consultation appointment, in which we assess whether the patient is able to have teeth whitening, and what shade of white they hope to achieve. Patients who are children, pregnant, or have certain types of restorations in the mouth will not be able to have teeth whitening.

Our dentist will create custom-fit teeth whitening trays that will be used during the bleaching process. These will be made from a mold of the patient's teeth, created in a dental lab, via CAD/CAM technology. Custom-fit trays ensure the bleach effectively whitens the patient's teeth and offers the best treatment.

During the whitening appointment, the dentist will ensure that the patient's gums are properly protected before applying the bleach. The bleach will be placed in the trays, and then put onto the patient's teeth. Then, a blue light will be set onto the teeth in order to activate the bleach. This should take approximately 2 hours to complete, and our dentist will give the patient top-up kits for them to do at home. The top-up kits will not give treatment as effective as the treatment received in office, but it will help maintain the color of the patient's teeth until the patient has them whitened again.

Maintaining Teeth Whitening

Retaining the whiteness for as long as possible is advisable, and there are some little changes our patients can make to their diet and lifestyle choices to help maintain their enamel's color. Avoiding any drinks that are liable to stain is a good first step. This includes coffee, tea, wine, and green juice, all of which can stain enamel. Reducing smoking will also reduce the yellowing effect on the teeth. Brushing teeth after every meal is not necessary, but it is advised to ensure brighter teeth. Keeping to regular dentist appointments with our team will help keep our patients' teeth clean, as we can remove any plaque buildup.

Schedule an Appointment

Summit Dental Care can brighten your smile through teeth whitening. We offer many different cosmetic procedures that can be done in conjunction with teeth whitening. To find out what we have available, including teeth whitening in Seattle, contact our office at 206-292-9980 today!

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