Sports Mouth Guard

Seattle, WA

When playing a contact or object sport, it is imperative to wear a mouthguard to protect your oral cavity. At Summit Dental Care, in Seattle, NamThien Vu, DDS offers custom-fit mouthguards to fit snugly within the mouth and to give the teeth maximum protection. Other mouthguards are available, including boil-and-bite and one-size-fits-all mouthguards, but neither of these offer the same protection as our custom-fit mouthguards.

Why Are Custom-fit Mouthguards Better Than Boil-And-Bite Mouthguards?

Custom-fit sports mouthguards offer superior protection for the athlete's teeth. The method in which boil-and-bite mouthguards are made, which is done by placing them in boiling water and then biting into the softened plastic to mold the teeth, decreases protection. This is because the process of biting pushes the plastic away from the biting surfaces of the teeth, where the teeth often need the most protection.

Custom-fit mouthguards are customizable, which means they can be more appealing to children. They can be made with different colors, lettering, and even glitter. Mouthguards are important for children as well as adults, and they should have the best protection available for their developing teeth. Custom-fit mouthguards also last longer than boil-and-bite mouthguards, as they are more resilient to the pressure of the athlete's teeth biting against each other. One-size-fits-all mouthguards are not even molded, meaning they just slot loosely over the teeth. These are the worst form of protection for an athlete's teeth and should be avoided at all costs.

Boil-and-bite mouthguards are liable to slip during a sports activity, and they can make it more difficult to breathe. Custom-fit mouthguards can offer maximum protection in the form of a sleek appliance that will neither slip nor make it difficult to breathe.

How Are They Fitted?

Custom-fit mouthguards are made by our dentists. Our patients will come in for a molding appointment in which our dentist will make an impression of the top and bottom sets of teeth and send them to the dental lab. There, the dental technicians will make a custom-fit mouthguard based on the mold and any requested customization. The patient will come back in to test the mouthguard.

As long as the mouthguard doesn't slip, the patient can take it home, ready for the next time the patient plays an object or contact sport. The dental lab uses CAD/CAM technology to ensure the custom-fit mouthguard is of superior design and will fit snugly in the mouth. Heavy blows during sports can cause serious injury, and mouthguards can help prevent that. Particularly for children, mouthguards are important to prevent damage, as injury to a developing mouth can affect the oral cavity permanently. The mouthguards will need replacing, and more regularly so for children, and this is to ensure that your mouth still retains maximum protection while playing sport, as a worn mouthguard can often not provide adequate protection.

Summit Dental Care offers custom-fit mouthguards to offer the best protection for our patients while they are playing sports. Your teeth always need the best care, especially when playing sports. To book your molding appointment for sports mouthguards in Seattle, contact our office at 206-292-9980 today!

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