Dental Crown

Seattle, WA

When a tooth is significantly damaged due to decay, fracturing, or cracking, a crown can be placed to restore its strength. A crown can be made out of a number of different materials, each with its advantages and potential issues. Our dentist in Seattle at Summit Dental Care offers crowns made out of gold, metal, all-resin, porcelain and porcelain fused-to-metal.

How Is a Dental Crown Placed?

Dental crowns fit onto the tooth by shaping the tooth into a uniform nub, no matter how the decay has affected the tooth. If the damage is too significant for root canal treatment or a dental filling, then the majority of the tooth's enamel will have to be removed. The extent of the damage can be assessed via digital x-rays, and the patient will choose the material for their crown prior to the appointment.

Local anesthesia is used to numb the area where the affected tooth is. The decayed parts of the tooth are removed, and the remaining enamel is shaped into a small nub. The newly-shaped tooth is then cleaned of any remaining bacteria, and polished. Once our dentist has achieved the correct shape and size, our dentist will take measurements of the tooth and send the data to the dental lab. At the dental lab, the technicians will make a custom-fit crown - via CAD/CAM technology - that will fit perfectly onto the tooth. Until that is ready, a temporary crown will be placed. This procedure should take an hour, although it can take longer depending on the difficulty of each individual case.

Which Dental Crown Is Best?

The different types of crown vary by the patients' preferences and where in the mouth the crown is placed. For example, a porcelain crown can be matched to the color of the patient's teeth, making it an ideal choice for teeth at the front of the mouth. Porcelain crowns can last 15 years and give off a gleam like natural teeth do. Metal crowns have been used for decades. Metal crowns are cheaper than porcelain, but metal crowns are more conspicuous due to their color.

Metal crowns will last the longest of all the crowns - over 20 years - when the metal crowns are kept in good condition. Their strength means they're good for teeth at the back of the mouth, as they are not prone to fractures. Gold is similar to metal crowns, but has the added aesthetic quality of its color. Some patients like the appeal of gold and request gold crowns in the front of their mouth. All-resin crowns are a newer type of crown that are indistinguishable from the rest of the teeth. While they are difficult to detect in a row of teeth, their strength is the weakest of its competitors, and they are liable to staining.

Schedule an Appointment

Summit Dental Care offers a number of different crowns that you can discuss with NamThien Vu, DDS in order to pick the ideal one for your mouth. We want to help you restore the strength of your oral cavity. To book an appointment for dental crowns in Seattle, contact our office at 206-292-9980 !

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