What are the Benefits of Dental X-rays?

Posted on 12/10/2021 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Dental x-rays play an important role in dental care. Combined oral exams, dental x-rays give us a complete view of your mouth and make it easy to tell where the problem is. While oral exams are vital in identifying oral problems, dental x-rays pinpoint them within a short time. There are several benefits of dental x-rays.

Benefits of Dental X-rays

Through dental x-rays, we get a clear picture of your hard tissues that including your teeth and bones. They also show the soft tissues surrounding your jawbone and teeth. According to the American Dental Association, these x-rays can show gum disease, fillings, tooth decay, and other oral conditions. Through dental x-rays, we obtain dental radiographs that alert us when there are changes to your mouth tissues. These x-rays are also essential when it comes to oral health in children. Through them, we can see how their jawbone and teeth are developing. By detecting injuries or infections early, we can prevent or limit damage to your child's teeth. This is dental x-rays are essential for adults and children.

While dental x-rays are essential for oral health, some people wonder whether they are safe. This is due to the radiation a patient is exposed to when taking x-rays. To answer these concerns, ADA states that the amount of radiation a patient is exposed to during a dental x-ray is too small to cause any damage. We follow this rule when obtaining radiographs to minimize radiation. By implementing various safety principles, we keep your health in excellent condition. Some of the measures we put in place include using the fastest image receptor to obtain the radiographs. We also reduce the size of the x-ray beam whenever possible. This goes a long way in keeping you safe. Get in touch with us for more information on the benefits of dental x-rays.

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