What Are the Most Common Signs of Tooth Decay?

Posted on 11/22/2021 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Food can build up in your teeth forming plaque. Plaque forms bacteria in your teeth and they produce acids that erode the enamel which is the surface part of your tooth. The erosion leads to tooth decay and if left untreated, the erosion can cause serious issues in your dental and overall physical health. Here are some common signs of tooth decay.

Tooth Sensitivity

After eating a hot or cold meal you may have a lingering sensitivity feeling in your teeth. The sensitivity is a sign that you may have tooth decay. The situation happens when your tooth enamel wears off and exposes the dentin part of your tooth. The dentin is hollow and is the part that creates the sensitivity feel. You should have enough enamel in your teeth to minimize the stimulation of the cells and nerves inside your teeth.


Having an ongoing ache present in one of your teeth or more is a clear indication of tooth decay. Feeling pain in your teeth is one of the critical signs of having tooth decay. The pain at times may come and go based on what you eat. You may also feel some form of pleasure or pain when chewing your food. That form of discomfort in your mouth is a sign of a cavity.

Hole in Your Tooth

A white spot in your tooth usually points to the beginning of your cavity. When the white spot worsens, a formation of a pit or hole will occur in your tooth. You can feel the hole when you run your tongue over the tooth. However, there are some holes that you cannot feel, especially those in between your teeth. Your tooth will be sensitive in such areas.

You will have to book an appointment with one of our dental professionals in case you feel a toothache or have a hole in your tooth. We always have a solution for your dental needs. For further information about tooth decay, please contact us.

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