What are the Differences Between Full Dentures and Partial Dentures?

Posted on 10/25/2021 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Dentures can be used to replace a lost tooth, a missing row of teeth, or an entire set of teeth. A partial denture is used when only some natural teeth are missing and there are still enough for a dental implant. A full denture is used when all the natural teeth have been lost and need to be replaced with artificial ones. This article will explore the major differences between these two types of dentures so that you can decide which one is right for you!

What are Full Dentures?

A full denture may be necessary when a person has lost all of their natural teeth, leaving nothing but empty spaces in the oral cavity where they once were. Most people who require this type of dental appliance are at least 65 years old or older because most adults have their own set of adult teeth by that age.

The main goal of getting a full denture is to restore the patient’s ability to masticate (chew) food. The dental appliance also helps them feel more confident in public and speaking with others because their teeth will be present; it can even make them look younger!

There are three different types of full dentures: complete dentures, immediate dentures.

What are Partial Dentures?

A partial denture is a dental appliance that has been designed to replace some of the patient's natural teeth. This prosthetic tooth replacement can be used in many different situations depending on how many missing teeth there are and which ones they are. The most common use for these replacements is when only one or two adjacent teeth have fallen out, and the others are still present and healthy.

Dentures can be a great way to fix missing teeth and make you feel confident in your smile. If you're looking for more information on the differences between full dentures and partial dentures, we hope this blog post has been helpful! We love answering any questions that may come up when it comes to dental care, so please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything else we can help with.

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