Why Do Some People Need Gum Stimulators?

Posted on 08/23/2021 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Gum stimulators are not a common part of most oral hygiene routines. A gum stimulator has a long metal arm with a rubber tip attached to the end. It is used to strengthen your gum tissue through simulation. They can also be used to remove plaque or food debris from between your teeth. These tools are considered extraneous unless you are faced with a specific dental dilemma, gum disease.

Use Gum Stimulators to Help Gum Disease

Saliva keeps your mouth healthy by washing away food and debris from your gums and teeth. ThUnfortunately, many people have gum disease. It is also called periodontal disease. It can cause severe problems if left untreated. The problem is caused by the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Plaque is the sticky accumulation or film on your teeth from the bacteria and sugars that stick to your teeth. When plaque isn't cleaned off your teeth, it can cause your gums to be infected and even inflamed.
is is critically important as the buildup of food and debris is the first step in developing tooth decay. When you eat, chew your food thoroughly, as this will stimulate saliva production. Saliva also provides other tooth decay fighting substances to your mouth. These substances help prevent cavities and other infections, as well as provide nutrients for the surface of your teeth. Saliva keeps your enamel strong.

What Does a Gum Stimulator Do

Gum stimulators can help clean between your teeth, especially if you have a large gap between your teeth. Gum stimulators are also handy if you have missing teeth. The advantage of using a gum stimulator is the ability to massage your gum tissue. This helps to prevent gum disease from getting worse. Using a gum stimulator is supposed to increase blood flow to your gums. In theory, this increased blood flow allows more oxygen to your infected gums, which may help decrease inflammation.

Call to Make an Appointment Today

If you are battling gum disease, a gum stimulator may be an important tool for you to utilize. Always be gentle when using a gum stimulator. Make sure you maintain your dental visits twice a year so we can help you with your gum disease and give you additional tips to keep your teeth clean.

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