Dental Veneers

Dentist Seattle, WA

Thin, shell-like porcelain coverings, called veneers, can be placed on the front of teeth to give them a more aesthetic appearance. Veneers have a variety of applications, including teeth that are too small, teeth that are not close enough together, stained teeth, chipped teeth, and fractured teeth. In Seattle, Summit Dental Care and NamThien Vu, DDS recommend the use of veneers for patients because they can help boost confidence in our patients’ smiles.

How Are Dental Veneers Applied?

The application of veneers is straightforward, which is why people who have cracks or chips often prefer the use of veneers, compared to the replacing of a tooth via a dental implant. A consultation appointment is the first step to the treatment, as the patient will set up a plan for their veneer placement. The patient will discuss with our dentist what they would like achieved, and our team will tell the patient if it is possible.

Generally, patients get veneers on one or more of their teeth at the front of the mouth. The veneers can be matched in color to the rest of the patient's teeth, making them undetectable in the oral cavity. The veneers will be made in the dental lab prior to the placing of them, and an appointment will be set accordingly. The dentist will inspect the veneers before beginning the procedure to ensure they are of high quality. It is important that our dentist thoroughly clean the teeth on which our team will be placing the veneers, as any bacteria left underneath them would be impossible to remove afterwards.

This is why the procedure begins with a comprehensive cleaning. The teeth's fronts are cleaned and then trimmed to have the veneers placed. This will permanently change the shape of the patient's teeth, but more veneers or other procedures can be done in the future when the current veneers need to be replaced. Once the enamel has been trimmed, a special liquid is applied that acts as an adhesive between the tooth and the veneers. The veneer is then placed onto the tooth, and an ultraviolet light is used to cement it in place.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Veneers?

eneers can be a more preferable solution to changing the cosmetic appearance of the patient's teeth compared to other restorative methods. When a patient has a crack in a tooth and does not want any extensive procedure to have it synthetically replaced, a veneer is an ideal way to hide it from view while avoiding comprehensive surgery. Veneers are also good for confidence as it can hide the stain that has been irritating a patient for too long. When a chip appears, or a fracture occurs, it can cause a patient's self-esteem to plummet, but veneers can restore confidence and allow patients to go freely through their daily lives. Veneers typically last between 5 to 7 years, and veneers are easily replaced when worn down.

Summit Dental Care uses veneers as a practical solution to minor cosmetic complications within the oral cavity. Veneer placement is a simple procedure to give your smile the symmetry and aesthetics it needs. To book an appointment for dental veneers in Seattle, call our office at 206-292-9980.

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