Periodontal Care

Dentist Seattle, WA

Periodontitis is an incurable form of gum disease. Without proper maintenance, periodontitis can be invasive to the daily life of an individual. Preventive healthcare is the best solution for avoiding gum disease and the need for constant treatment to your oral cavity. Our team can help teach you about gum disease and its risk, and how to avoid it. At Summit Dental Care, in Seattle, NamThien Vu, DDS wants to educate you on your oral health and periodontal care to fight off the harmful bacteria and to keep your mouth healthy and happy.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease begins as gingivitis, which causes mild soreness and irritation in the mouth. Symptoms of gingivitis are red or swollen gums, bleeding when brushing, and sensitive gums. Gingivitis usually manifests when the patient has not been brushing his/her teeth as frequently as they should, allowing the bacteria in their mouth to irritate their gums. At this stage, gum disease is curable, and the dentist will give the patient the necessary treatment. Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis has not been treated and has advanced into an incurable form of gum disease. The symptoms of periodontitis are worse than that of gingivitis, including wobbly teeth, pockets between the gums and teeth, and bone loss. Gum recession can also be exhibited.

What Can I Expect From Periodontal Care?

Periodontal care depends on what condition a patient's oral cavity is in. When a patient exhibits symptoms of gingivitis, the patient should see one of our dentists. They can help get rid of the symptoms while also advising the patient on how to avoid gum disease in the future. Treatment for gingivitis usually includes the use of antibiotics and a special mouthwash. The dentist will also perform a cleaning to rid the mouth of any bacteria, tartar, and plaque that could be fueling the gum disease. This will help prevent it from reoccurring in the future. When a patient exhibits symptoms of periodontitis, the patient should visit our office as soon as possible, as our dentists will need to assess whether the patient's gum disease is curable. If it is unfortunately in the late stages, it can still be treated and reduced to a manageable level.

What Can I Do at Home to Prevent Gum Disease?

Brushing teeth twice a day for two minutes is the best care a patient can give their teeth. The use of flossing or interdental brushes will help reach the enamel between the teeth, and our dentists can advise our patients on how to use them properly. Replacing a dull toothbrush and using the proper brushing motions are small things a patient can do to clean their teeth even better. Keeping regular appointments with our team will mean we can support our patients' oral health with our professional cleanings, and we can monitor our patients' oral health in case any abnormalities appear.

Summit Dental Care cares about your oral health and wants to educate you on how to better clean your oral cavity. Call our office at 206-292-9980 to book your next appointment for periodontal care in Seattle today!

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