Dentistry for Kids

Seattle, WA

The maintenance of your child’s teeth is an essential part of their health and should be supported throughout their childhood. It can be difficult to ensure your child is brushing properly, and for the correct amount of time, but we are here to support you. Bring your child to Summit Dental Care in Seattle to have their first check-up from NamThien Vu, DDS, and we can begin a lifetime of excellent oral health!

When Do I First Visit the Dentist With My Child?

You should bring your child into our office when their first baby teeth emerge, which is around six months of age. This is an excellent opportunity for us to begin their dental journey and make sure everything is developing as it should be. Usually, there are no problems. We will book their next appointment, which will be set for six months later, just like our team would for an adult.

The first appointment is also an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your child's oral health. Maintaining your child's dental care can be difficult, as their dental care changes as they grow older. However, you should not worry, as our team is here to support you along the way. Our professionals can introduce you to helpful techniques to ensure your child is brushing properly.

Caring For Your Childs Teeth at Home

Until they can do it themselves, you will need to brush your child's teeth twice a day for two minutes. You brush their teeth as you would your own, but with toothpaste suitable for children. Children's toothpaste has 1,000ppm of fluoride to properly protect their teeth. Once they are old enough, you will need to teach them how to brush their teeth themselves. If you are unsure about proper techniques, our professionals can teach you at our office.

You need to make sure they remain stationary and brush for the full two minutes. One way to ensure they brush for two minutes is to set an egg timer, though playing an entertaining two-minute song will also suffice. Instilling good oral habits will serve your children well and ensure that they are free from oral complications in the future. Around the age of 12, you should introduce them to flossing and show them proper techniques. Around this age, we may refer them to an orthodontist if they need teeth realignment.

Teeth realignment can help with talking and eating and usually takes place in the teenage years. It is also important to continue bringing them to regular dentist appointments every 6 months to ensure their oral health is maintained. We can give professional dental cleanings and dental examinations to support the care you give at home.

Schedule an Appointment

It can be difficult to balance all aspects of a child's life, and that is why our team wants to help support their dental care. Our professionals at Summit Dental Care can teach your child the importance of their oral health and how to maintain it at home. If your child's first teeth have emerged, or if your family has recently moved into the Seattle area, book your appointment with us now at 206-292-9980 !

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