Dental Implants

Dentist Seattle, WA

Dental implants imitate a natural tooth’s properties better than any other restorative procedure or oral appliance. A dental implant mimics the tooth’s root and is embedded into the jaw of the patient, making it look and feel like a natural tooth. The dental implant is made of three components: the implant, the abutment, and the dental crown. Both the dental implant and abutment are beneath the dental crown, which means there are no external components that make it feel alien in the mouth. At Summit Dental CareNamThien Vu, DDS offers Dental Implants in Seattle Wa as an effective restoration option. Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss that can most efficiently replicate the natural tooth feel.

What Is Involved in Placing a Dental Implant?

Dental implants take several months to place completely, as time needs to pass between each stage in order for the mouth to heal. While this may seem like a long time, dental implants are made to be a permanent restoration. Dentures last 3 to 7 years, and dental bridges last 5 to 15 years, whereas dental implants last over 25 years. A consultation appointment is important as the first step because the density of the jaw must be analyzed. The patient must have enough bone mass in the jaw, as the implant is inserted into it like a natural tooth.

If there is not enough bone mass, then a bone graft will need to take place. This can add up to a year to the procedure time as the patient's jaw needs time to develop more bone. In the first surgical procedure, the implant will be placed. This is done by removing any gum that is obscuring the desired position, drilling a hole in the jaw and putting the titanium implant in the bone. The implant will fuse with the bone over the next few months, creating an incredibly strong foundation for the abutment and crown. This process should take around 2 to 6 months, at which point the abutment and crown will be placed. The abutment can be placed with the implant, with the crown, or on its own. The abutment acts as a connector between the implant and crown. When both the abutment and the crown are placed, the restoration is completed.

What Are the Benefits Of Dental Implants?

Dental implants give the most natural feel, as there are no external components. Dental bridges and dentures are known for feeling alien in the mouth, but it is not uncommon for dental implant users to forget they have an implant. The crown is made of porcelain, which is indistinguishable from the rest of the natural teeth inside of the oral cavity. The porcelain even gives off the same gleam teeth do, making it the best material for tooth replication. Dental implants also last the longest of all the teeth restorations - over 25 years - making them an effective investment. The surgery will only need to take place once per implant.

Schedule an Appointment

Summit Dental Care can educate you on the benefits of Dental Implants Near Me Seattle Wa. Contact our office today at 206-292-9980 for your consultation about Seattle dental implants.

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