Summit Dental Care Procedure Gallery

Dentist Seattle, WA

Before And After Photos Of Various Dental Services Provided by Summit Dental Care And NamThien Vu, DDS in Seattle

Implant Crown Restoration - Before

Implant Crown Restoration - After

Implant Crown Restoration - Before

Implant Crown Restoration - After

Veneer - Before

Veneer - After

Bike Accident Filling - Before

Bike Accident Filling - After

Removal of Front Teeth and Replacement with a Bridge- Before

Removal of Front Teeth and Replacement with a Bridge - After

Removal of Front Teeth and Replacement with a Bridge - After

Implant Placement - Before

Implant Placement - After

Back Tooth Filling - Before

Back Tooth Filling - After

Back Teeth Crowns - Before

Back Teeth Crowns - After

Back Teeth Fillings - Before

Back Teeth Fillings - After

Broken Back Tooth Filling - Before

Broken Back Tooth Filling - After

Decayed and Discolored Front Teeth - Before

Decayed and Discolored Front Teeth - After

Decayed and Discolored Front Teeth- Before

Decayed and Discolored Front Teeth - After

Decayed and Discolored Front Teeth - Afte

Invisalign - Before

Invisalign - After

Invisalign - Before

Invisalign - After

Invisalign - Before

Invisalign - After

Botox 11's - Before

Botox 11's - After

Botox Crows Feet - Before

Botox Crows Feet - After

Botox Crows Feet - Before

Botox Crows Feet - After

Botox Forehead - Before

Botox Forehead - After

Venous Lake - Before

Venous Lake - After

Anterior Bridge - Before

Anterior Bridge - After

Anterior Bridge - Before

Anterior Bridge - After

Anterior Diastema Closure - After

Anterior Diastema Closure - Before

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

If you are interested in learning more about our services, please Call 206-292-9980 , and schedule your appointment today!

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