Foods to Keep Cavities Away

Posted on 02/07/2022 by Nam Thien Vu, DDS

Cavities are small perforations on your teeth resulting from tooth decay. While everyone is at risk of developing cavities, the risk is higher with poor oral hygiene. Your diet can also put you at risk of cavities. Consuming sugary and acidic foods will wear out your enamel and expose your teeth to cavities. Thus, identifying healthy foods that can keep cavities away is important. Some of the food options include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and dairy produce.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are ideal in keeping cavities away for their rich fiber, which stimulates saliva flow in the mouth. Saliva helps neutralize mouth Ph and discourage the multiplication and activity of cavity-causing bacteria. Leafy greens such as kales, spinach, and broccoli are rich in calcium, which strengthens teeth. Healthy teeth are more resistant to erosion and cavities. Leafy greens also contain magnesium, which remineralizes and strengthens teeth.

Dairy Produce

Dairy produce such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, strengthening the enamel and preventing cavities. Chewing cheese will stimulate saliva flow and keep cavities at bay. Yogurt contains healthy probiotics that slow down the growth of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth.

Whole Grains

Besides being rich in dietary fiber, whole grains contain magnesium, which works with calcium to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Fiber calls for extra chewing, which stimulates salivary flow for a healthy mouth. Besides the above food groups, you can also consider seafood and eggs for their rich vitamins and minerals beneficial to teeth. While eating healthy to keep cavities away, you should practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice daily. You should also schedule a routine exam and cleaning with us twice a year. During these exams, we will detect cavities early and fill them. For more details on foods to keep cavities away, contact our office today.

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